Friday, October 31, 2008



"A light will shine down from somewhere, it will light upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will say to yourself, 'I have to vote for Barack!'" (Barack Obama in a campaign speech)

God forbid!

But that aside, have you considered how pompous such a statement is? And then there's Barack Obama's description of what will happen when he's elected president: "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to fall and our planet began to heal!"

What pompous arrogance! Can you imagine the reaction if George Bush or any other conservative made a similar statement? He'd be laughed off the stage and ridiculed by every news anchor and political pundit. But Obama is delusional enough to believe such things about himself — and to expect us to believe them, too!
The saddest part, though, is that his audience cheered these absurd statements.

Recently, the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons offered an explanation for the seeming gullibility of Obama's audiences. They have openly speculated that Obama has been using covert mind-control techniques in his speeches.

Called neurolinguistic programming, this form of covert hypnosis was developed by Dr. Milton Erickson using various techniques such as slow speech, rhythm, tonality, repetitive phrases and certain hand gestures to open the mind to suggestion and to aid in implanting hypnotic commands. In Obama's half-hour prime time political ad, these techniques were in evidence.

Even though the statements Obama made in his infomercial were not consistent with the statements he made during the primary or even in his recent stump speeches, I'm sure many people bought them hook, line and sinker.

My favorite lie was, "I will rebuild the military." Not only do I recall that President Bush had to rebuild the military after eight years of a Democrat administration, but I clearly recall Obama's program for dismantling American defense which he spelled out in Iowa during the early days of his campaign for the presidency.

"I'm the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning and, as president, I will end it. Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending. I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems, and I will institute an independent defense priorities board to ensure that the quadrennial defense review is not used to justify unnecessary spending. Third, I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons, I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material, and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals."

After that very specific speech, Obama expects us to believe him when he says, "I will rebuild the military."

The most entertaining parts of the infomercial, however, were the sob stories, which Obama couldn't quite pull off. One family in particular was especially difficult to pity. The mother complained about having to shop the specials and skimp on milk because of the family's financial woes — yet she was sporting a set of acrylic nails and was so obese she could barely waddle. She looked as though she'd had more than enough to eat for a very long time!

While this woman pondered how much milk she could afford to buy for the family, I wondered why she didn't just give up her $25 manicures and use the money she saved to purchase groceries. It would seem the family's problem is not so much a financial one as it is a problem of misplaced priorities. Anyone who opts to spend money on a manicure and then complains she doesn't have enough money for food doesn’t need a government handout; she needs to grow up!

Strikingly absent was a look at how many cars the families had and how many cell phones and televisions they enjoyed. I'm sure that information would have been an eye-opener. This is the only nation in the world whose "poor" own cars, televisions, computers and cell phones.

As much as I enjoyed observing Obama's attempts to dupe and deceive, he did not manage to change my mind. I experienced no epiphany. He only left me wanting to smack that obese woman up-side the head and tell her to stop whining and get a life!

© 2008 by Libbi Adams. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 19, 2008



The media's treatment of Joe Wurzelbacher, a/k/a Joe the Plumber, strains credulity.

Joe is a simple working man who committed the apparently unforgivable sin of questioning Obama's stated tax policies. For that, the media have turned their collective investigative skills on Joe to try to discredit him.

Joe the Plumber doesn't even have a plumbing license, they breathtakingly report. Not only that, he owes the government back taxes!!

They don't explain to us why that disqualifies Joe's question to Obama. And they carefully fail to mention that Joe, who works for a plumbing company, doesn't need a license in Ohio, since he works for a plumbing company and is not self-employed.

They also carefully neglect mentioning the Democrat Congressmen who owe far more back taxes than Joe. After all, their mission is not to uncover corruption but to ruin the credibility of the man who dared to question Obama's stated intention to "spread the wealth around."

One can't help but wonder why they haven't investigated Bill Ayers or Jeremiah Wright with such enthusiasm. Oh… that's right. It's because Ayers and Wright are supporters of Obama.

In addition, Barack Obama himself has been misrepresenting and ridiculing Joe in his campaign speeches. "How many plumbers do you know who make a quarter of a million dollars?!" he derisively asks the crowd.
Joe didn't say he made a quarter-million dollars. He said he was thinking about buying a small company that made a little over a quarter-million and grow it, and he pointed out to Obama that his plan to gouge small businesses would seriously impact his ability to grow his business and hire more employees.

However, Obama, with his closed mind and stated communist policies, had no sympathy at all for Joe, the simple working-class stiff. Instead, if you can believe it, Obama told Joe, "It's always good to spread the wealth around."

Obviously, Obama meant that it's good to spread someone else's wealth around, since I don't see Obama giving away his millions! On the contrary, Obama and his wife have been dining on lobster and imported caviar in the Presidential Suite of the Waldorf Astoria in New York.

And then there's Jessica Hughes in Texas who received the call from an Obama campaign worker who asked her if she would support Obama. The woman told her, "No, I don't support him. Your guy is a socialist who voted four times in the state Senate to let little babies die in hospital closets. I think you should find something better to do with your time."

The next day, two federal agents showed up at Hughes' door and accused her of making death threats against Obama. They said the campaign worker had turned her in and had told the Secret Service that Hughes said, "I will never support Obama and he will wind up dead on a hospital floor." When Hughes denies making the threat, the agents didn't believe her and asked why the campaign worker would have made up such a thing. That's a very good question.

If this is the way Obama and his cohorts treat "dissidents" in a society which purports to allow free speech, what will happen if he becomes president? Will those who oppose or question him end up in a Soviet-style Gulag Archipelago? Will they be sent away to "re-education camps", as they are in China? (After all, Obama has publicly stated his admiration for communist China.) Or will he simply use intimidation to quiet his critics?

It's something to consider.

© 2008 by Libbi Adams. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


How many of you have been keeping track of all the voter registration fraud being perpetrated by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)? I've lost track, too. Every day brings new reports of fraud.

What has been Obama's response to all this? As with all his politically inconvenient associations, he has thrown them under the bus and has attempted to disassociate himself from them.

Obama has denied he ever worked with ACORN and insists his only association with the radical organization was when he filed a lawsuit on their behalf back in the early 90s.

Have you ever noticed that politicians seem to develop very selective memories? Let's review the facts and see if they fit Obama's reminiscences, shall we?
  • Fact: Obama was a "leadership trainer" for ACORN.
  • Fact: Obama sat on the Board of Directors of The Woods Fund, which gave the Chicago branch of ACORN grants Of $45,000 (2000), $30,000 (2001), $45,000 (2001), $30,000 (2002), and $40,000 (2002).
  • Fact: In 1992, Obama directed ACORN's Project Vote, which managed to elect Carol Moseley-Braun to the U.S. Senate.
  • Fact: Chicago ACORN Leader Toni Foulkes referred to Obama in the 2004 US Senate Primary as "the candidate we hold dear."
  • Fact: Obama's presidential campaign gave over $800 million to ACORN and then lied to the Federal Election Commission about it. (How many fraudulent votes do you suppose Obama got for his money?)
  • Fact: This past summer, Obama told a New York journalist, "I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career…"
  • Fact: Thousands of allegedly fake voter registrations submitted by ACORN are being investigated. At least nine states are reviewing voter paperwork, and Allegheny County (Pennsylvania) police are looking into similar accusations. Employees of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, commonly known as ACORN, are under investigation in Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin since local election officials started noticing irregularities among the thousands of registrations submitted by ACORN. And guess who trained ACORN leaders? That's right: Obama!
Obama can back-pedal, lie and deny all he wants, but that won't change the facts, and the facts are that ACORN perpetrates voter fraud and employs intimidation tactics and Obama has been closely involved with that organization for decades and has trained them in these techniques.

So we can add ACORN to the growing list of unsavory organizations and characters closely associated with Obama: racist minister, Jeremiah Wright; domestic terrorists, William Ayers and Bernadette Dorn; racist black Muslim leader, Louis Farrakhan, who calls Barack Obama the messiah; PLO associate and Israel-hater, Rashid Khalidi. The list goes on and on — and as each one is discovered, Obama denies his association and attempts to rewrite his past.

Is this really the man we want in the White House?

© 2008 by Libbi Adams. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Last week, one of my neighbors put out yard signs in support of McCain and the next morning, they were gone. Ripped out. Stolen.

A random act of mischief, you ask? No. This sort of thing has been happening regularly for several election seasons here in the county. Curiously, it's always the Republican campaign signs that go missing.

When did the Democrat Party realize they'd moved so far to the left that they could never win fair elections in a capitalist society and so made a conscious decision to try to steal them?

It's been going on for decades in the cities. Stuffed ballot boxes. Fraudulent voter registration. Dead people voting. No wonder the Democrats so vehemently oppose any attempt to require photo Ids at the polls!

But the dishonestly began in earnest in Florida during the 2000 presidential election. Al Gore, Clinton's heir-apparent, mistakenly assumed he would win the election handily. After all, there were hundreds of felons voting in Arkansas and thousands of corpses voting in Philadelphia and all over the country, voting machines were being tampered with. How could he possibly lose!

However, despite all the tampering, the will of the people glimmered through the murkiness and it turned out to be quite different than the result Gore had envisioned, so Gore made an unprecedented move. Rather than conceding the election with dignity, as every one of his predecessors — even those involved in very close elections — had done, Gore, the Democrat Party and their ranks of unscrupulous lawyers set out to steal the election.

Did I hear you say it was Bush who stole the election? Granted, that's been a particularly successful bit of propaganda, but it just doesn't fit the facts.

Who can forget the news footage of those poor Florida election workers holding ballots up to the light to try to determine if there was any indication of an indentation next to Gore's name. Our vocabulary was expanded to include handing chad, pregnant chad, dimpled chad.

Here's the story you didn't hear. Bill Rouverol, the inventor of the voting machines in question, was furious that his machines were being maligned night after night in the national news. He tried to prove that his machines had NOT malfunctioned, but no one would listen to him, so he delivered one of his machines to Rush Limbaugh's studio. He invited Rush and his staff to use the voting machine, experiment with it, do everything they could to try to get the machine to produce even one incompletely-punched chad.

The result? In every instance except one, the machine produced a cleanly-punched ballot.

The exception? When more than one ballot was placed in the machine!

The inescapable conclusion is that Democrat election workers stuffed the machines in Florida with in a deliberate attempt to steal the election.

We are now less than a month away from another presidential election, and Obama's campaign has already promised that if Obama loses the election, they will put this nation through a post-election battle that will make Florida 2000 look like child's play. Already, their attorneys are drafting lawsuits in preparation for the battle.

In addition, groups like ACORN have filed thousands of fraudulent voter registration forms all over the country. One ACORN operative actually admitted to sitting at his kitchen table and creating names and addresses out of whole cloth to complete the forms, which he then signed himself.

An update: Nevada state authorities have just raided an ACORN office in Las Vegas and confiscated boxes of fraudulent materials. ACORN operatives filed duplicate voter registrations, used imaginary names and addresses, even used the names of Dallas Cowboys football players.

It bears mentioning here that Obama obtained his much-vaunted "community organizer" experience while working with ACORN. Until now, I would not have guessed that experience gained while learning fraudulent voter registration practices qualified one to run for president of the United States. Who knew?!

This nation is a representative republic. Its citizens are entitled to free — and honest — elections. No party has the right to impose its ideas on the citizenry. For the sake of this nation and its people, let's stand down; let's stop the dirty tricks and election fraud; and on election day, let each eligible voter have one vote.

In this age of moral decline, a fair election is probably only a pipe dream. But I can dream, can't I?

© 2008 by Libbi Adams. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Sarah Palin is a strong, accomplished, independent woman, one who was not afraid to take on the good ol' boys firmly ensconced in the Alaskan state government. She doesn't believe in being limited by the status quo. She has an innovative approach to government and doesn't seem to understand the meaning of the word 'can't'.

She sounds like the quintessential independent woman, doesn't she, a liberal Democrat's dream-come-true? So why did the Democrat Party and their accomplices in the media set about to destroy her the moment they recovered from the announcement of her nomination?

Incredibly, their first criticism of Palin was that she has no business running for public office because she has five children! How, they asked, would she possibly give her children the attention they deserve if she were engaged in a national political campaign?

Come again?? Isn't the Democrat Party the party of freedom, choice, tolerance and women's lib? Haven't they for decades urged women to burn their bras, send their kids to daycare and enter the workforce? So why this nearly psychotic opposition to Sarah Palin's candidacy?

Then they criticized her for choosing to give birth to a Down's Syndrome child, instead of murdering it in the womb.

But. . . doesn't the Democrat Party contend that a woman should have a right to choose whether or not she will carry a pregnancy to term? Oops, I forgot. They only believe in 'choice' if a woman chooses abortion, not if she chooses life. A rather small-minded view, wouldn't you say?

Next, liberals contended that Governor Palin has no foreign policy experience. Okay, I'll concede that one. But she does have executive experience — which is more than anyone can say of either Obama or Biden, neither of whom have foreign policy or executive experience.

What I notice most about all the furious daggers the left has been aiming at Sarah Palin is that none of them contains any substance. Their goal is to destroy the woman personally. They have no interest in discussing anything of substance with her.

Have you, like me, been appalled at the ferocity of the personal attacks against Palin? Have you wondered why both the Democrats and the press reacted in such an extreme way?

My conclusion is that they consider Sarah Palin a threat. Yes, you heard me correctly. Sarah Palin is the embodiment of a so-called 'liberated' woman, yet she is happily married, the mother of five, a conservative and, worst of all, a Christian with a firm moral foundation — all anathema to the left.

Up to now, liberals wanted us to believe a woman could only be liberated if she divorced her husband and aborted her children. Sarah Palin has proved them wrong, and they're so furious they can barely see straight.

Way to go, Sarah!

© 2008 by Libbi Adams. All rights reserved.


September 8, 2008

John McCain has finally announced his choice of a running mate: Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska.

Governor Palin is very popular in her home state. She hunts, fishes, is a lifetime member of the NRA, a former beauty queen, and the mother of five children. Sarah Palin is the quintessential American woman.

McCain's announcement came only hours after Barack Hussein Obama's very unmemorable speech at Invesco Field and took all the wind out of his sails.

The left immediately responded with their usual spoiled-brat whining.

Obama's campaign sniped, "Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil, and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies. That's not the change we need. It's just more of the same." Obama later tried to smooth over this gaff by explaining that his campaign sometimes reacted with a hair-trigger, but I suspect the initial reaction of the campaign represents their true feelings. Democrats talk the talk, but it's the Republican Party that walks the walk. Liberals know that's the truth and hate to be shown up for what they really are — elitist snobs.

Obama is treading on dangerous ground when he complains that Governor Palin has "zero foreign policy experience". I'd like to hear about Obama's foreign policy experience — or even his executive experience. Anybody?

But the loudest complaint of liberals was that his choice of a running mate proved that John McCain is not the maverick he claimed to be. They whine that if he truly were a maverick, he would have chosen a more liberal running mate like Joe Lieberman or Tom Ridge.

It would seem Democrats consider Sarah Palin too conservative for their taste. They've obviously forgotten that Palin is the Republican Party candidate. The Democrats have already chosen their vice presidential candidate: an old Washington insider with no foreign policy experience and no executive experience.

How like little children they sound! They're whining because the Republican candidate won't play their game and march to their drum.

Liberals took the choice of a truly conservative presidential candidate away from Republicans by crossing the ballot to vote for McCain in the open primary states. They deliberately chose a candidate who would not present a clear contrast with their own Democratic nominee, making it easier to muddy the waters when discussing the issues facing our nation. And now they somehow think they have the right to tell McCain whom to choose as his running mate? What arrogance!

The Democrat Party already held their convention. They've chosen their candidates: a young black upstart with absolutely no experience and an old Washington insider only 6 years younger than John McCain — and now they want to tell McCain whom he should choose for his veep? What conceit!

The bottom line is that the Democrats are scared to death of having to face a McCain-Palin ticket. Sarah Palin is intelligent, talented, capable, energetic, conservative, and beautiful — in other words, she's a liberal's worse nightmare.

Congratulations, Senator McCain! You've chosen a winner!

© 2008 by Libbi Adams. All rights reserved.