Friday, August 1, 2008


When he thought we weren't listening, Barack Hussein Obama made the amateurish mistake of bad-mouthing Pennsylvanians behind their backs in a speech he gave at a private fundraiser in San Francisco.

Apparently, Obama didn't think any of his elitist friends would rat him out or, if they did, that we folks here in darkest Pennsylvania would be too busy clinging to our guns and religion to bother to turn on our TVs.

"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns and religion or to antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigration sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Such condescending tripe!

It's clear that despite the time he spent campaigning in Pennsylvania, Obama has absolutely no understanding of what makes the people of this state tick. Though he "helped feed a baby cow" (Hint to Obama campaign: It's called a "calf".) in State College, raised a glass with some locals in Burnham, and bowled in Altoona, he badly misinterpreted the views of his hosts.

Obama views the world through the prism of "black liberation theology" which he adopted while sitting under Pastor Jeremiah Wright's racist ranting for 20 years. In Obama's narrow world-view, religion is the opiate of the masses (Hmmm… now where have I heard that one before…?) and there is no legitimate reason for owning a gun.

Heads up, Obama! I'm going to clue you in on a few things about Pennsylvanians.

Pennsylvanians are not "anti-immigration". A great many of us are descended from German immigrants. However, we are anti-ILLEGAL immigration! There's a world of difference. We believe in enforcing federal immigration laws. If you enter this country legally, we'll welcome you. If you sneak across the border and then continue to break our laws, we'll arrest you and try our darnedest to have you deported.

We do not "cling" to our religion out of a sense of desperation. Hard as it may be for you to accept, some folks actually believe in God and attend church to worship Him! Now, I understand how difficult that might be for you to understand, since you have no clue what Christianity is really about and attend church only as a social exercise.

Neither do we "cling" to our guns. We enjoy owning guns. We use them to target-practice at the many sportsmen's clubs and pistol clubs in the region and to participate in our state's numerous legal hunting seasons.
As for those jobs that "have been gone for 25 years", they've been replaced by other jobs. We haven't been sitting around on our duffs collecting welfare for generations, like the folks back home in Chicago. We're working, Obama, not looking for handouts! We take pride in our work and don't appreciate it when people look down their noses at us.

Steve Reed, Mayor of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, commented, "We think they [small towns] are the bedrock of the American values that have built this nation..."

Senator Obama, if you want my vote, you'd do well to expand that narrow mind of yours beyond your warped view of the world and take a look at how the hard-working American middle class really feels about the issues confronting us.

© 2008 by Libbi Adams. All rights reserved.

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