Sunday, January 18, 2009



There has been an almost indefinable change in American politics during the last decade.

Our elections have gone from being debates on the issues to nothing more than character assassinations. Facts are blithely ignored in favor of rhetoric. Congress routinely flouts the Constitution whenever it suits them and regularly threatens to impeach the President when he has not. Some segments of our population have become so blinded by hatred that they choose to move through life ignorant of facts and incapable of reason.

On Tuesday, we will witness the culmination of these changes.

The inauguration of a black man as President of the United States should be a momentous occasion, an historic milestone — and would be under other circumstances. Were Obama a man of the same caliber as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose name he bandies about freely, his inauguration would be an occasion for celebration. But he is not, and it is not.

Obama campaigned on promises of "hope" and "change", yet he rose to power from the corrupt Chicago political machine. He has betrayed his promise of "change" by selecting Washington hacks, nearly all from the Clinton administration, to populate his cabinet. His vaunted "team of rivals" was only a nicely turned phrase, after all.

Yet something more disturbs me about the impending presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. Rather than becoming successful on the hope and promise that is America, Obama chose, instead, to ally himself with bitter men such as Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayres and to scrabble to power on the backs of those who were fed a steady diet of hatred.

And so this man comes to the presidency not with love and appreciation for this great nation and with a desire to see her succeed, but with bitterness and hatred and a determination to destroy all that has made us great: liberty, independence, self-sufficiency and self-determination.

Yes, this is the end of eight years of the Bush presidency. But of what is it the beginning?

© 2009 by Libbi Adams. All rights reserved.

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