Wednesday, October 1, 2008


September 8, 2008

John McCain has finally announced his choice of a running mate: Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska.

Governor Palin is very popular in her home state. She hunts, fishes, is a lifetime member of the NRA, a former beauty queen, and the mother of five children. Sarah Palin is the quintessential American woman.

McCain's announcement came only hours after Barack Hussein Obama's very unmemorable speech at Invesco Field and took all the wind out of his sails.

The left immediately responded with their usual spoiled-brat whining.

Obama's campaign sniped, "Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil, and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies. That's not the change we need. It's just more of the same." Obama later tried to smooth over this gaff by explaining that his campaign sometimes reacted with a hair-trigger, but I suspect the initial reaction of the campaign represents their true feelings. Democrats talk the talk, but it's the Republican Party that walks the walk. Liberals know that's the truth and hate to be shown up for what they really are — elitist snobs.

Obama is treading on dangerous ground when he complains that Governor Palin has "zero foreign policy experience". I'd like to hear about Obama's foreign policy experience — or even his executive experience. Anybody?

But the loudest complaint of liberals was that his choice of a running mate proved that John McCain is not the maverick he claimed to be. They whine that if he truly were a maverick, he would have chosen a more liberal running mate like Joe Lieberman or Tom Ridge.

It would seem Democrats consider Sarah Palin too conservative for their taste. They've obviously forgotten that Palin is the Republican Party candidate. The Democrats have already chosen their vice presidential candidate: an old Washington insider with no foreign policy experience and no executive experience.

How like little children they sound! They're whining because the Republican candidate won't play their game and march to their drum.

Liberals took the choice of a truly conservative presidential candidate away from Republicans by crossing the ballot to vote for McCain in the open primary states. They deliberately chose a candidate who would not present a clear contrast with their own Democratic nominee, making it easier to muddy the waters when discussing the issues facing our nation. And now they somehow think they have the right to tell McCain whom to choose as his running mate? What arrogance!

The Democrat Party already held their convention. They've chosen their candidates: a young black upstart with absolutely no experience and an old Washington insider only 6 years younger than John McCain — and now they want to tell McCain whom he should choose for his veep? What conceit!

The bottom line is that the Democrats are scared to death of having to face a McCain-Palin ticket. Sarah Palin is intelligent, talented, capable, energetic, conservative, and beautiful — in other words, she's a liberal's worse nightmare.

Congratulations, Senator McCain! You've chosen a winner!

© 2008 by Libbi Adams. All rights reserved.

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