Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Some things are inevitable — like the passage of time, the motion of the tides… and the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency.

From the early days of the primaries, when Democrats and "independents" (translation: Democrats who delude themselves into thinking they might someday vote for someone other than the Democrat candidate) deliberately chose the weakest Republican candidate in those states with "open" primaries.

They chose a man with a history of stabbing President Bush in the back and compromising with liberals on important issues on which he would have done better to have stood his ground. They chose a man who had consistently alienated the conservative base of the Republican Party. They chose a man who would not be able to sufficiently differentiate himself from his Democrat opponent. They chose a man they knew they could defeat in the November general election.

And then, against all odds, Barack Obama swept in from nowhere and stole the Democrat nomination from president-in-waiting, Hillary Clinton. Obama had charisma. Obama had the support of the Chicago Socialist Party, of which he was formerly a member, and of rich extremists like George Soros, who has been working for years to bring about a world government.

Obama became the rock-star candidate who mesmerized crowds with neurolinguistic programming and covert hypnotic suggestions that peppered his speeches. Obama presented a blank mask to voters, a mask they could paint with whatever colors they wanted. Only rarely did we catch glimpses of the man behind the mask and when we did, his campaign hurriedly did damage-control to restore the blank façade.

Jeremiah Wright, with his racist rants and anti-American hatemongering, was tossed aside. He'd served his purpose and was no longer needed.

William Ayers was shrugged off as inconsequential.

Any mention or acknowledgment of George Soros was carefully avoided.

His birth records were hurriedly sealed when some people became curious about the real circumstances of his birth and whether or not he was eligible to run for the presidency.

He retaliated against newspapers which endorsed his opponent by kicking their reporters off his campaign plane and his staff excused his vindictiveness by saying the great man had needed to make room for Ebony staff.

Always, the mask remained blank and Obama made vague promises of "hope" and "change" that could be interpreted any way his listeners liked.

And yesterday in Pennsylvania, people who voted Republican on the rest of the ballot mysteriously voted for Obama for president. It looks like those subliminal suggestions really worked.

Today, we must face the reality of the election, the result of our naivete. Today, we must deal with a president-elect who hates this country, who fully intends to dismantle our defenses, who thinks our Constitution is deeply flawed because it doesn't provide for a welfare state nor reparations to the descendants of slaves, and who, in his own words, intends to "spread the wealth around".

Today, we must face the fact that we have elected to the presidency a man who may not even be eligible to hold the office.

Today, we must accept the consequences of our stupidity and greed.

Perhaps not tomorrow, but eventually, we will discover the reality of the man behind the blank mask; we will find out whom it is that we elected to the highest office in the land. But tomorrow, it will be too late to change our decision.

I don't know how you feel today, but I feel as though the entire cosmos is holding its breath… waiting… for that man to be revealed.

And springing, unbidden, from my spirit is the worship song from the fifth chapter of the Book of Revelation: "To Him who sits on the throne and unto the Lamb be blessing and glory and honor and power forever!"

It's the song sung by those gathered around God's throne just before the first of the seven seals is opened.

2008 by Libbi Adams. All rights reserved.

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